
Warcraft 3 maps anime
Warcraft 3 maps anime

warcraft 3 maps anime

When the Legion invaded Azeroth once more during the Third War, Tyrande freed Illidan from his prison in order to have him battle the demons once more. There he remained for over 10,000 years, watched over by the warden Maiev Shadowsong and her Watchers.

warcraft 3 maps anime

He eventually returned to the side of his fellow night elves, but his creation of a second Well of Eternity at the end of the war caused his people to name him "Betrayer" and imprison him in the Barrow Deeps below Mount Hyjal. Originally a powerful night elf sorcerer, Illidan officially betrayed his people by defecting to the demonic Burning Legion during the War of the Ancients, though his reasons for doing so were noble as he secretly aimed to repel the Legion's invasion. He is the twin brother of Malfurion Stormrage and was, like his sibling, in love with Tyrande Whisperwind. Illidan Stormrage, commonly known as the Betrayer, is the first of the demon hunters, the former self-proclaimed Lord of Outland, the former ruler of the Black Temple, and the original leader of the Illidari. “There is no sacrifice too great if it brings an end to the Burning Legion.”

Warcraft 3 maps anime